
Pauline and Bernadette are fantastic teachers and the kids enjoy the classes, regardless of their level. There is a lot of hard work and sweat to get them ready for the feiseanna, but there is always time for fun too. Pauline and Bernadette attend all feiseanna with their students.  The support and help they give to their students  is greatly appreciated by the children and their parents!

Edel King

My first encounter with Pauline Fegan was when I was 15 years old. Pauline came to dance with the Erin O’Dalaigh school in Bray. Even though I was a lot older than Pauline and I was a senior dancer Pauline was an exceptionally talented dancer. Even at the early stage of her dancing career it was noted that Pauline had the special gift of teaching. She was always sent to teach the other dancers and help them with their steps. To her misfortune I was the one who could never pick up the steps as quickly as the others and as for timing I could have been dancing a jig to Jingle Bells. Pauline would break the step down again and again. I would be close to crying and throwing a temper tantrum and walking out of the class but Pauline would always come after me. She never gave up. She would break the steps down again singing the music to me until finally I could do it. Not necessarily in time that would take further work but I danced it with no mistakes and won my first championship. This method of teaching Pauline applies to all her dancers and believe me it works.

To this day Pauline, Bernadette and I have remained exceptional friends although we could kill each other sometimes over the dancing. When my daughter Olivia starting dancing at the age of three years of age, I was over the moon. I could not wait for her to get her first solo dress (Pink and Yellow) and yes with the solo dress came the pressure, unbelievable pressure for both myself, Olivia and her teachers. Early starts late nights but it was worth every moment. I spent hours in those halls waiting for the results sometimes good and other times bad but we would move from the bad days and focus on the next event in line. Within the Fegan Academy Thank God there is a great social side amongst the parents. I spent many an evening with Trisha and Lillian having a late night dinner and some wine which went down a treat. Friendships were formed and I still remains friends with all these parents.

If I was asked what were the most special moments in all my years of dancing I would have to say there are two stand out moments. 1) Even though there were many many times in which I was very proud of my little girl who is now 17 years old, the biggest achievement was when Olivia qualified for the World Championships for the first time. It took a lot of extremely hard work and it did not come easy. Through her dance class Olivia was learning the techniques of winning and loosing in life and the joy it brought. 2) I would say when our darling Layla Healy won the Worlds Championships. I first saw Layla dance when she was about 4 years old and I fell in love with her immediately. For years both Pauline and Bernadette worked endlessly hard with Layla and finally it all paid off – So all dancers note,you too could win the Worlds, nothing is impossible especially with these two amazing teachers.

Elizabeth Lee

Sarah has been dancing with Pauline since she was in 1st class. What started as an extra-curricular school activity became so much more as her love for dancing developed under Pauline’s great teaching and passion. Irish dancing has been the making of Sarah, has given her wonderful friendships, great confidence and has taught her life skills in winning and losing. Pauline and Bernadette are super teachers, absolutely dedicated to the children.The new studio in Bray is a fantastic space for the children to learn. We look forward to many more happy years of dancing at Fegan Academy with Pauline and Bernadette

Emma, mum to Sarah D U9

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 In 2004, a very excited little girl joined the Fegan School of Irish Dance with dreams of becoming a Riverdancer. Little did we know she would still be with what is now The Fegan Academy, 11 years later. She has gone from a lonely only child to a poised, confident, strong and fit young woman who has seen the whole country and a large part of the world as a dancer, and the Fegan ethos has been a hugely influential factor in making her what she is. She has seen success and fulfilment in Irish dancing more than in any other aspect of her life and her hand has been held and guided by Pauline and Bernadette on every step of her journey. The friendships formed in class are close, supportive and long lasting. The mission statement of this school is friendship, discipline, strength, success and fulfilment and as teachers of Irish dancing I cannot recommend them enough.

Janet Swaine

After the Leinster championships nov 2015
I have to say a huge congratulations to every single one of you who took to the stage over the past three days. I haven’t seen you all dance in a year and the improvement is astounding. Genuinely still in shock. All the blood, sweat and tears paid off and we have the results to prove it; pre lims, solo placings, world qualifiers, too many gold sashes and Sarah’s fantastic win! Pauline and Bernadette have whipped you all into shape and all of their hard work also showed this weekend. Keep up the good work now girls and I’ll see you all in Glasgow

Donna (Past Pupil)

My grandchild Sophie danced with many teachers from different organisations over the years. I knew something was not right and Sophie was not getting enough from her classes,that was until we joined Pauline in her Wicklow town class. Sophie and her sister Lilly (4 years old)and Tara 2 and a half years old) all joined Pauline in 2013. Just two years ago now. We travel to classes from the Enniscorthy area all the way to Bray but we know we have found the right teacher and it is worth it.
 I have to say Pauline and Bernadette are amazing. Immediately you would know Pauline was qualified in ChildCare as she has a fantastic gift with children. She not only teaches a child to dance but shows them how to enjoy dance and prepares them during this fun time to win and achieve great results.
We love competition and Sophie has since joining Pauline won all her grads. Bun,Tus,Lar and now Mean grad. She has done so brilliantly. She is a completely different dancer to what she was. I cannot believe she is now an open dancer and it is amazing to watch the improvement even now. For some time the three girls have also attended the Bray class where they are under the tuition of not only Pauline but Bernadette also. Bernadette is superb and has a great talent for teaching. Both ladies work well together and have a great love for Irish Dancing. They are the nicest girls you could meet. It seems they have given most of their life to it.
Every child is treated the same and they work extremely hard with every student. When they think individual attention is needed they will inform parents and take children aside. If they feel steps are not suiting them they will both work together and make new steps to suit that child. This takes a lot of their time and for two ladies with young children it is truly astonishing what they have achieved to date. I am amazed at the dancers they have produced and the titles they have under their belts. I feel very fortunate to be part of their class. I only hope everyone who has been part of the Fegan Academy also realises the amount of work and dedication these ladies give. This comes from someone who has experienced a lot of other teachers and organisations.

Sarah Nolan